
Zotify is your all-in-one solution for downloading high-quality music and podcasts. Whether you're on the go or at home, Zotify lets you enjoy your favorite audio content offline, with fully customizable options to suit your needs. Experience superior sound quality and complete control over your downloads with Zotify.

Are you tired of juggling multiple music streaming services and apps? Do you wish there was a way to bring all your favorite tunes together in one place? Well, wish no more! Introducing Zotify, the revolutionary music player that’s changing the game.

How to In install Zotify on Windows, macOS, and Linux

Installing Zotify is a straightforward process that involves downloading the necessary files, setting up dependencies, and running the application. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get Zotify up and running on your system.

Zotify is built on Python, so you’ll need to have Python installed on your system. If you don’t have Python installed, download and install it from the official Python website. Ensure that Python is added to your system’s PATH during installation.

Zotify For Windows:

  1. Open PowerShell: Start by opening PowerShell (CMD won’t work).
  2. Install Scoop: Run the following command to install Scoop, a package manager:
   Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
   irm get.scoop.sh | iex
  1. Install Dependencies: After installing Scoop, run.
   scoop install python ffmpeg-shared git
  1. Set Up pipx: Install pipx to manage Python apps.
   python3 -m pip install --user pipx
   python3 -m pipx ensurepath

Close and reopen PowerShell to refresh the environment.

  1. Install Zotify: Use pipx to install Zotify.
   pipx install https://get.zotify.xyz

You’re all set! Run zotify --help for a list of commands.

Zotify For macOS

  1. Open Terminal: This is your command-line tool on macOS.
  2. Install Homebrew: Paste this command to install Homebrew, a package manager.
   /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  1. Install Dependencies: Use Homebrew to install Python, pipx, FFmpeg, and Git.
   brew install [email protected] pipx ffmpeg git
  1. Set Up pipx: Prepare pipx by running.
   pipx ensurepath
  1. Install Zotify: Finally, install Zotify using pipx.
   pipx install https://get.zotify.xyz

Zotify is now ready! Use zotify --help for command options.

Zotify For Linux

  1. Install Dependencies: Use your package manager to install python3, pip, ffmpeg, and git.
  2. Set Up pipx: Install pipx to manage Python applications.
   python3 -m pip install --user pipx
  1. Install Zotify: Use pipx to install Zotify:
   pipx install https://get.zotify.xyz

That’s it! Use zotify --help to explore commands.

How to Uninstall Zotify

If you ever need to uninstall Zotify, simply delete the directory where you installed the application. Additionally, you can uninstall the dependencies by using.

pip uninstall -r requirements.txt

How to Download Songs and Podcasts with Zotify

Downloading songs and podcasts using Zotify is simple, With given steps, you can effortlessly build your music and podcast library using Zotify!

Open Zotify: Make sure you’ve installed and set up Zotify on your device.
Search or Paste URL: You can either search for the song, playlist, or podcast directly within the app, or paste the URL of the content you want to download.
Choose Format and Quality: Select your preferred audio format and quality. If you’re using a free account, the download will be limited to 160kbps.
Start Downloading: Click download, and Zotify will fetch the content directly from the source.
Access Your Downloads: Once the download is complete, you’ll find the files saved in your chosen directory, ready to be enjoyed offline.

Zotify Command Line Usage

Zotify is a powerful tool that allows you to download music and podcasts directly from the command line. Here’s a quick guide on how to use it:

Basic Command

zotify <track/album/playlist/episode/artist URL>
  • Example: Download a specific track, album, or playlist by providing the URL.

Common Options

  • Download a File:
  zotify -d <file containing URLs>
  • Download Saved Playlist:
  zotify -p
  • Download Liked Songs:
  zotify -l
  • Download Followed Artists:
  zotify -f
  • Search:
  zotify -s <search term>

Use zotify -h for more details and options. This tool makes it easy to bulk download and manage your music library with a few simple commands!

Top Key Features of Zotify

Zotify is a powerful and highly customizable music and podcast downloader designed to cater to audiophiles and podcast enthusiasts alike. It offers the ability to download high-quality audio directly from the source, ensuring you get the best sound experience possible.

With features like real-time downloading, synced lyrics, and support for multiple formats, Zotify stands out as a versatile tool for building and managing your personal audio library. Whether you’re downloading entire playlists or just a single track, Zotify makes it seamless and efficient.

High-Quality Downloads

Get audio files at up to 320kbps, ensuring top-notch sound quality.

Direct Source Downloads

Zotify pulls files directly from the original source, not from substitutes like YouTube or Deezer.

Versatile Download Options

Download podcasts, playlists, liked songs, albums, and more.

Synced Lyrics

Download synced lyrics directly from the source.

Multiple Formats Supported:

Choose from various audio formats to suit your needs.

Real-Time Download Option

Download at the speed it would normally be streamed for a more authentic experience.

Bulk Downloads

Manage large collections by downloading multiple files at once, either via URLs or text file lists.

Built-In Search Functionality

Easily search for and download tracks directly within the app.

Flexible Download Methods:

Download files directly via URL or through Zotify’s intuitive search interface.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Zotify works seamlessly across different devices and operating systems.

User-Friendly Interface:

Navigate and manage downloads with an easy-to-use interface, perfect for both beginners and advanced users.

Privacy and Security:

Zotify ensures that your downloads are secure and respects your privacy throughout the process.

What platforms is Zotify available on?

Zotify is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Is Zotify free?

Yes, Zotify is completely free to use.

Can I stream music from multiple sources at once?

Yes, Zotify allows you to stream music from local files, YouTube, and Spotify simultaneously.

Is Zotify open-source?

Yes, Zotify is an open-source project, which means that anyone can contribute to the code and help shape the future of the app.

How do I report issues or suggest features?

You can report issues or suggest features by joining the Zotify community and submitting a ticket.

Can I use Zotify offline?

Yes, Zotify allows you to download songs for offline listening.

Can I sync my music libraries across devices?

Yes, Zotify allows you to sync your music libraries across devices using cloud storage.


Zotify is the ultimate music streaming experience that brings all your favorite tunes together in one place. With its modern and intuitive interface, customizable features, and open-source community, Zotify is the perfect choice for music lovers of all kinds.

So why wait? Download Zotify today and start streaming your favorite music like never before!